Wednesday 1 July 2015



Do you know the effect you have?
How you send rushes through?
But heading two ways,
My mind's a daze,
I don't know what to do.

Oh, sweet, young thing, a babe in arms,
Naive, too young, too new,
You make me feel,
To care, protect,
And shelter life from you.

But then, again, I look at you,
My blood pumps hard about,
I want your body,
Make love with you,
Of that there is no doubt.

You stimulate my need to give,
I long to pleasure you,
To make you come,
With my desire,
Oh how I'd do for you.

Time passes though, night turns to day,
I watch you sleep alone,
Temptation turns,
And care returns,
These extremes I've never known.

Suffice to say, It seems unfair
I fancy you so much,
I can't be sure,
If I've the strength,
To look, but ne'er to touch.

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