Wednesday 1 July 2015



You just not sure how to see me, still,
Am I really real or a poisoned pill?
From where I sit it's simple, plain as day,
There is nothing I hide, no games that I play.

It's just too easy, can't be true,
You must look for motives, hidden from view,
You just can't believe it, it can't be right,
I say open your heart, and feel the light.

There is no need for false defence,
Under no attack, it makes no sense,
And there's the rub, for me, not you,
I've yet found none, to believe it too.

I feel it's rare, within this world,
Avoiding lies, covert and cold,
Am I too, to fall from grace,
Playing games, with you, and the human race.

From my heart I cannot hide,
I'll stumble on with open stride,
No doubt, in pain from blows received,
Believing those who must deceive.

I'll cry, I'll bleed, and I'll wave goodbye,
It saddens me, It makes me cry,
I'll walk away, leave you behind,
Then emptiness is all you'll find.

I'll die before I live the lie,
Whilst you persist, and wonder why,
There's no one you can learn to trust,
Your faith, your life; to ashes to dust.

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